Auxiliary Section Removal and Disassembly

Special Instructions


Special Tools

  • RR1006TR - Auxiliary Section Hanger
  • RR1002TR - Counter Shaft Support Tools

Component Identification


1. Auxiliary Drive Gear

2. Synchronizer Assembly

3. Reduction Gear

4. Washer

5. Spacer

6. Auxiliary Main Shaft

7. Auxiliary Counter Shaft

8. Spacer

9. Bearing

10. Race

11. Auxiliary Case

12. Auxiliary Counter Shaft Cover

13. Auxiliary Main Shaft Bearing Set

14. Gasket

15. Bearing Cover

16. Seal

17. Dust Shield

18. Speed Rotor Assembly

19. Output Yoke Retainer Flange

Output Yoke Removal

  1. Remove the two bolts that fasten the Output Yoke to the Output Shaft.

    _Graphics/Web/TRSM0970_Output Yoke Removal 1.jpg
  2. Remove the Output Yoke from the Output Shaft, a maul or hammer may be required to apply force to the yoke for removal.

    _Graphics/Web/Output Yoke Removal 2.jpg

Auxiliary Section Removal

  1. Remove both Auxiliary Counter Shaft Bearing Covers.

    _Graphics/Web/auxiliary section removal 1.jpg
  2. Install Auxiliary Counter Shaft Support Straps using bolts 3 out of the 4 bolts for the Auxiliary Counter Shaft Bearing Covers.

    _Graphics/Web/auxiliary section removal 2.jpg
  3. Remove the 19 bolts that fasten the Auxiliary Section to the Transmission Main Case.

    _Graphics/Web/auxiliary section removal 3.jpg
  4. Using prying points, separate the Auxiliary Section from the Transmission Main Case enough to fit the Auxiliary Section Lifting Bracket into place.

    _Graphics/Web/TRSM0970_auxiliary section removal 4.jpg
  5. Using an overhead crane or hoist, remove the Auxiliary Section with the Auxiliary Section Lifting Bracket.

    _Graphics/Web/TRSM0970_auxiliary section removal 5.jpg

Auxiliary Section Disassembly

  1. Remove the six cap screws that fasten the Output Shaft Bearing Cover to the Auxiliary Section, remove the Output Shaft Bearing Cover.

    _Graphics/Web/auxiliary section disassembly 1.jpg
  2. Remove the cap screws that fasten the Range Cover to the Range Cylinder. Remove the Range Cover.

    _Graphics/Web/TRSM0980_Range Cylinder cover 1.jpg
  3. Remove the single cap screw that fasten the Range Piston to the Range Shift Yoke Bar.

    _Graphics/Web/auxiliary section disassembly 4.jpg
  4. Remove the four cap screws fastening the Range Cylinder to the Auxiliary Section. Remove the Range Cylinder assembly.

    Auxiliary Counter Shafts will fall out part way through this process.
    _Graphics/Web/auxiliary section disassembly 5.jpg
  5. Place the Auxiliary Section on a bench with the gearing facing down; remove the Auxiliary Counter Shaft Support Straps, using a hand maul drive the Output Shaft out of the case.

    _Graphics/Web/auxiliary section disassembly 6.jpg
  6. As the Auxiliary Main Shaft is driven out, remove the Synchronizer assembly and the Range Yoke.

  7. Remove the bearing cup and outer spacer from the Auxiliary Case bore.

    _Graphics/Web/auxiliary section disassembly 7.jpg
  8. Using the front face of the low range gear as a base, press the Output Shaft through the gear and bearing. Remove the bearing and washer from the hub of the Auxiliary Reduction Gear.

    Note: If reusing the bearing set, the tapered roller bearings are specific to each side of the race.

    _Graphics/Web/auxiliary section disassembly 8.jpg
  9. Remove the splined spacer and stepped washer from the Auxiliary Reduction Gear.

    _Graphics/Web/TRSM_0970_auxiliary section disassembly 9a.jpg

Range Synchronizer Disassembly

  1. Remove the Range Synchronizer from the Output Shaft.

    _Graphics/Web/Range Synchronizer Disassembly 1.jpg
  2. Place the Low Range Synchronizer on a bench with the larger ring facing down, (place a shop towel over the assembly to avoid losing any springs) pull the High Range Synchronizer from the Blocker Ring

    _Graphics/Web/TRSM0970_Range Synchronizer Disassembly 2a.jpg
  3. Remove the Sliding Clutch from the pins of the Synchronizer Ring.

    _Graphics/Web/TRSM0970_Range Synchronizer Disassembly 3a.jpg

Range Synchronizer Assembly

  1. Install the Sliding Clutch on the Blocker Pins with the recessed side up.

    _Graphics/Web/TRSM0970_Range Synchronizer Assembly 1.jpg
  2. Install the three springs into the bores of the High Range Synchronizer Ring.

    _Graphics/Web/TRSM0970_Range Synchronizer Assembly 2.jpg
  3. Place the High Range Synchronizer Ring over the Blocker Pins of the Low Range Synchronizer, seating the springs against the pins.

    _Graphics/Web/TRSM0970_Range Synchronizer Assembly 3.jpg
  4. Apply downward pressure to the High Range Synchronizer Ring while twisting counterclockwise to compress the springs and fully seat the ring on the Blocker Pins of the Low Range Synchronizer.

    _Graphics/Web/TRSM0970_Range Synchronizer Assembly 4.jpg
  5. Install the Synchronizer assembly on the splines of the Auxiliary Main Shaft with the Synchronizer seated against the Range Reduction Gear.

    _Graphics/Web/TRSM0970_Range Synchronizer Assembly 5.jpg