The Driver Questionnaire is used to document vehicle symptoms that may be critical to the diagnosis or repair of the transmission system.
The questionnaire should be completed by a driver that experienced the specific vehicle symptoms pertaining to this repair. The Driver Questionnaire can be printed from this Troubleshooting Guide.
Note: A first hand account of the symptoms may offer specific details that are critical to the repair.
Fleet: | Fleet Unit # | Date: | ||
Dealer: | RO # | Email to |
1. Describe what happened (report any observations not captured below): | ||||
2. If problem happens when first turning the key on skip to question #8. | ||||
3. Does engine RPM rev up and down a few times in an effort to make a shift? | Yes | No | Don’t Know | NA |
If Yes: a. What gears is the transmission trying to shift? Circle any that apply or describe. 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 13-14 14-15 15-16 17-18 | ||||
b. Does the transmission eventually make the shift? | Yes | No | Don’t Know | NA |
c. Does the transmission shift back into the gear it is trying to shift out of? | Yes | No | Don’t Know | NA |
If No: a. What gears does the transmission get stuck in? Circle one or more below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | ||||
b. Are you able to go to Manual mode and make the transmission shift? | Yes | No | Don’t Know | NA |
4. Do you have to stop the truck when the problem happens? | Yes | No | Don’t Know | NA |
5. Does the transmission find neutral? | Yes | No | Don’t Know | NA |
6. Do you have to shut the truck off in gear? | Yes | No | Don’t Know | NA |
7. Does the transmission find neutral after turning the key back on? | Yes | No | Don’t Know | NA |
8. Does the engine start with the key? | Yes | No | Don’t Know | NA |
9. What is in the display when the problem happens? Circle one or more below. “-” Single dash “- -” Double dash Flashing gear number Solid gear number flashing “F” Flashing “CA” Blank display | ||||
10. Does the transmission service, check engine or anti-lock brake light come on when the problem happens? | Trans Service Red / Amber | Check Engine | ABS | None |
11. If there is a transmission service light, did you experience a degraded operating mode? | Yes | No | Don’t Know | NA |
12. Is your vehicle air pressure above 90 PSI? | Yes | No | Don’t Know | NA |
13. Does the problem happen when the transmission is cold, hot or both? | Cold | Hot | Both | NA |
14. Does the problem happen when operating in wet weather, dry weather or both? | Wet | Dry | Both | NA |
15. How many times a day, week or month does the problem happen? Number of times _________ | Day | Week | Month | NA |
16. How long has the truck had the problem? | First Time | Past 2 weeks | Past Month | Several Months |
17. How long have you been driving this truck? | Days | Weeks | Months | Years |
18. List any known problems the truck has had in the past: Circle one or more below or describe known problem. OEM electrical ABS (truck) ABS (trailer) Accident Flood damage Lightning strike | ||||
19. How long has it been since any known problems listed above happened? | First Time | Past 2 weeks | Past Month | Several Months |