Fault Code 100: Battery Voltage1

J1939: SA 3 SPN 168 FMI 0, 1, 4, 17, 18


The Transmission Control Module (TCM) requires a battery power and ground supply. The TCM has redundant power and ground sources (Battery Voltage1 and Battery Voltage2) and will function normally if either source becomes unavailable. The Battery Voltage1 circuit is contained within the 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector.


The TCM monitors Battery Voltage1 power and ground source. If the system detects voltage out of range, the fault is set active.

Conditions to Set Fault Code Active

FMI 0 – Data Valid But Above Normal (Most Severe): Battery Voltage1 more than 16.5V for 1 second.

FMI 1 – Data Valid But Below Normal (Most Severe): Battery Voltage1 less than 8V for 1 second.

FMI 4 – Voltage Below Normal or Shorted Low: Battery Voltage1 less than 4V during power up.

FMI 17 – Data Valid But Below Normal (Least Severe): Battery Voltage1 less than 11V for 1 second with engine above 1000 RPM.

FMI 18 – Data Valid But Below Normal (Moderately Severe): Battery Voltage1 less than 10.2V for 1 second with engine above 550 RPM.


FMI 0:

  • No degraded performance

FMI 1, 18:

  • Amber warning lamp on
  • No degraded performance
  • If Fault Code 100 and 105 are Active:
    • Non neutral modes prohibited
    • PTO Mode prohibited
  • If Fault Code 100 and 105 are Active and the vehicle is moving:
    • Red stop lamp on
    • Clutch engagement prohibited, vehicle may coast to a stop

FMI 4, 17:

  • Amber warning lamp on
  • No degraded performance

Conditions to Set Fault Code Inactive

FMI 0, 1, 17, 18: Battery Voltage1 in range for 10 seconds.

FMI 4: Key cycle.

Possible Causes

FMI 0:

  • Vehicle jump-started
  • Vehicle charging/battery system failure

FMI 1, 4, 17, 18:

  • Vehicle Harness
    • Wiring shorted to power, shorted to ground or open
    • Terminals bent, spread, corroded or loose
  • Vehicle charging/battery system failure

Component Identification


1. 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector

2. Transmission Control Module (TCM)


1. Transmission Control Module (TCM)

2. 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector

3. In-line Fuse Holder Battery Voltage1

4. 15-amp Fuse Battery 1


Fault Code 100 Troubleshooting

Purpose:Check for Active or Inactive fault codes.
  1. Set vehicle parking brake and chock wheels.

  2. Perform the Diagnostic Procedure and create a Service Activity Report.

    A Service Activity Report is required for transmission and clutch warranty claims. Reference Service Bulletin TAIB-1012.
  3. Review fault code, status, description, ID, FMI, count and timestamp recorded during the Diagnostic Procedure.

    Do not troubleshoot Inactive fault codes with a timestamp greater than 100 hours (100h 00m). The duration since fault code set implies the condition has been resolved.
  • If Fault Code 100 is Inactive and there are other Active vehicle or transmission fault codes, troubleshoot all Active fault codes. Go to Step V

  • If Fault Code 100 FMI 0 is Active, Go to Step G

  • If Fault Code 100 FMI 0 is Inactive, the TCM experienced an over-voltage condition. Vehicle may have been jump-started or vehicle charging/battery system is failing. Refer to OEM guidelines for repair or replacement of the vehicle charging/battery system. Go to Step V

  • If Fault Code 100 FMI 1, 17 or 18 is Active, Go to Step C

  • If Fault Code 100 FMI 1, 17 or 18 is Inactive, Go to Step B

  • If Fault Code 100 FMI 4 is Active or Inactive, create a Service Activity Report, select "Send to Eaton" and contact Eaton Cummins Automated Transmission Technologies at 800-826-4357 for further diagnostic instructions. Go to Step V.

Purpose:Use Product Diagnostic (PD) Test to locate intermittent failures.
  1. Key on with engine off.

  2. Connect ServiceRanger.

  3. Go To “Service Routines”

  4. Start Product Diagnostic Test and follow on-screen prompts.

    Note: Solid “PD” may appear in display when PD Test is active.

    Note: TCM will not enter PD Test mode when there are Active fault code.

  5. Wiggle the vehicle harness and connections between the charging/battery system and 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector. Look for signs of rubbing or chafing on the wires. Refer to OEM wiring diagrams.

  6. To end the test, press the stop button.

  • If fault codes set Active while wiggling the vehicle harness, refer to OEM guidelines for repair or replacement of the vehicle harness and/or the 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector. Go to Step V

  • If no fault codes become Active, Go to Step C

Purpose:Verify Battery Voltage1 supply to the TCM with ServiceRanger.
  1. Key on with engine off.

  2. Connect ServiceRanger.

  3. Go To “Data Monitor”.

  4. From the “Default Parameter Files” tab, select “Transmission Supplied Voltages”.

  5. Monitor 168 - Battery voltage value. Record reading in table.

  6. Monitor 444 - Battery 2 voltage value. Record reading in table.

  7. Compare reading(s) in table.

  • If readings are out of range, Go to Step D

  • If readings are in range, no fault was found. The intermittent nature of the fault makes it likely that the problem is in the Vehicle Harness between the charging/battery system and 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector. Refer to OEM guidelines for repair or replacement of the Vehicle Harness and/or 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector. Go to Step V

168-Battery voltage11–15 V
444-Battery 2 voltage11–15 V
Purpose:Verify condition of charging/battery system, fuse, power and ground supplies to the TCM.
  1. Key off.

  2. Inspect the vehicle charging/battery system and fuses, verify the connectors are free from contamination and corrosion; the terminals are not bent, spread or loose; and there is no damage to the connector bodies.

  • If no fault found, Go to Step E

  • If fault found, refer to OEM guidelines for repair or replacement of the vehicle charging/battery system. Go to Step V

    Note: Some chassis use a power distribution system separate from the batteries, inspect all connections.

Purpose:Verify 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector condition.
  1. Key off.

  2. Disconnect the 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector.

  3. Inspect the 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector, verify the connector is free from contamination and corrosion; the terminals are not bent, spread or loose; and there is no damage to the connector body.

  4. Inspect the TCM side of the 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector, verify the connector is free from contamination and corrosion; the terminals are not bent, spread or loose; and there is no damage to the connector body.

  • If contamination or damage is found, refer to OEM guidelines for repair or replacement of the 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector. Go to Step V

  • If no contamination or damage is found, Go to Step F

Purpose:Verify Battery Voltage1 at the 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector.
  1. Key off.

  2. Measure voltage between 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector Pin 5 (-) and Pin 6 (+). Record reading in table.

  3. Compare reading(s) in table:

  • If readings are out of range, refer to OEM guidelines for repair or replacement of the vehicle charging/battery system, Vehicle Harness and/or 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector. Go to Step V

  • If readings are in range, no fault was found. The intermittent nature of the fault makes it likely that the problem is between the vehicle charging/battery system and 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector. Refer to OEM guidelines for repair or replacement of the Vehicle Harness and/or 20-Way TCM Vehicle Harness Connector. Go to Step V

5 to 611–15V
Purpose:Verify Battery Voltage1 supply to the TCM with ServiceRanger.
  1. Key on with engine off.

  2. Connect ServiceRanger.

  3. Go To “Data Monitor”.

  4. From the “Default Parameter Files” tab, select “Transmission Supplied Voltages”.

  5. Monitor 168 - Battery voltage value. Record reading in table.

  6. Monitor 444 - Battery 2 voltage value. Record reading in table.

  7. Key on with engine running.

  8. Monitor 168 - Battery voltage value. Record reading in table.

  9. Monitor 444 - Battery 2 voltage value. Record reading in table.

  10. Compare reading(s) in table.

  • If readings are out of range, refer to OEM guidelines for repair or replacement of the vehicle charging/battery system. Go to Step V

  • If readings are in range and Fault Code 100 FMI 0 is Inactive, vehicle may have been jump-started or the intermittent nature of the fault makes it likely that the problem is with the vehicle charging/battery system. Refer to OEM guidelines for diagnosing the vehicle charging/battery system. Go to Step V

  • If readings are in range and Fault Code 100 FMI 0 is Active, replace the Transmission Control Module (TCM). Go to Step V

    Note: Troubleshooting indicates no fault found with the wiring or connections to the TCM. Ensure an intermittent issue does not exist with the wiring or connections.

Key on with engine off168-Battery voltage 11–13 V
Key on with engine off444-Battery 2 voltage 11–13 V
Key on with engine running168-Battery voltage13–15V
Key on with engine running444-Battery 2 voltage 13–15V
Purpose:Verify repair.
  1. Key off.

  2. Reconnect all connectors and verify that all components are properly installed.

  3. Key on with engine off.

  4. Connect ServiceRanger.

  5. Go to “Fault Codes”.

  6. Select “Clear All Faults”.

  7. Operate vehicle and attempt to reset the fault code or duplicate the previous complaint.

  8. Check for fault codes using ServiceRanger.